How do I create or edit a Target Shopping List?

How do I create or edit a Target Shopping List?

Creating and Editing on Target App
  1. Open the Target app. 
  2. Select the Essentials tab in the main menu.
  3. In Making a List mode, pull up on the List overlay to display your shopping list or select the List icon when in Delivery or Pickup mode.
    • To add an item, you may Scan an item’s barcode, or select the Add button to enter the item name into the open text field and select Done.
    • To remove an item, swipe the item left, and select Delete. To delete all items, select the three dots at the top of the page, then select Delete all, and then Delete all to confirm.
    • To change quantity needed or purchased, select the item and then adjust the amount.
    • At this time, you cannot create multiple lists within the Target app.

Target Shopping List isn't available on

Error Adding Items to Shipping List
Please note, there's currently a 250 item max for Target shopping lists, including items that have been checked off as completed. If you're over this limit, deleting items from your list should do the trick. To do so, swipe left on an item and select Delete.

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