What are the shipping options for my Target order?

What are the shipping options for my Target order?

Target.com deals the following shipping options, which may vary by item:
  • Standard Shipping: Standard shipping is typically the default checkout setting. Your item(s) are expected to be delivered within 3–5 business days after the items have been shipped and picked up by the delivery carrier. Delivery dates may be extended when shipping volume is high. Spend $35 or more, or place your order using your Target Circle Card and receive free standard shipping.
    • Your order may ship in multiple packages so we’re able to deliver your order faster. 
    • Some ship to home orders are eligible for no-rush shipping and could have multiple packages consolidated. This may change your delivery dates. Packages that qualify will be eligible for a $1 discount off the merchandise subtotal. Merchandise subtotal does not include Gift Cards, eGiftCards, MobileGiftCards, tax or shipping and handling charges. Discount will be displayed and applied at checkout. May not be applied to previous orders. Ineligible carts will not be shown an option to consolidate and will not receive the discount.
  • 2-Day Shipping: Depending on the item origin and shipping destination, 2-day shipping may be available in select areas. Your item(s) are expected to be delivered within 2 business days after the items have been shipped and picked up by the delivery carrier. For eligible items, spend $35 or more, or place your order using your Target Circle Card and receive free 2-day shipping. 
  • Next-day Shipping: Available for eligible items in select markets. Fees and cutoff times vary by market.
  • Express Shipping: Express Shipping is available for pre-order items only. Your item(s) are expected to be delivered within 1 business day after the items have been shipped and picked up by the delivery carrier. 

Please note:
  • Business days don’t typically include weekends, however Saturday and Sunday deliveries may occur in select ZIP codes. 
  • Some items may not be eligible for 2-days or Express shipping due to size, weight, quantities, delivery address or vendor constraints. 
  • Shipping charges for Express shipping are calculated on a "per order" basis, including shipping, order processing, item selection and packaging costs, and will only apply to the items using these shipping speeds. 
  • While most items ship within 24 hours, some vendors and shipping locations may require additional processing time. This processing time is factored into the estimated delivery date shown at checkout.

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