
How do I receive a refund for a purchase made with my Visa®, Mastercard® or American Express® Gift Card?

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Refunds for items returned that were purchased with your Visa, Mastercard or American Express Gift Card can be issued to the original gift card up to the original value of the card. Refunds usually show on the gift card within 7–10 days, but can vary by merchant. Merchants may have different policies for handling refunds of more than the original value of the gift card, so you'll need to check with the merchant when making your return.    
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TitleHow do I receive a refund for a purchase made with my Visa®, Mastercard® or American Express® Gift Card?
URL NameHow-do-I-receive-a-refund-if-I-return-a-purchase-made-with-my-Target-Visa-MasterCard-or-American-Express-Gift-Card

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