Create order

Target Help
To add an item to your cart:
  1. Select an item.
  2. Choose color, size and quantity, if applicable.
  3. Select Add to cart.
    • Once you add an item, you can select view cart & check out or continue shopping.
    • Your cart can hold up to 50 separate items.
    • Saving items in your cart doesn’t reserve or put them on hold.

To remove an item from your cart:
  1. Select the shopping cart icon.
  2. Select the X in the upper right hand corner of the item tile or reduce the qty to 0.

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Target app:
  1. Select the shopping cart icon to review your Cart, verify shipping method quantities and enter any discounts.
  2. Select Proceed to checkout
  3. Access your Target account or create a new account.
    • You'll need to sign in to a Target account in order to proceed with checkout.
  4. Follow the prompts to enter delivery and payment information, apply gift cards, verify all discounts are added.
    • Credit card re-entry will be required if a billing or shipping address is updated during checkout, ordering a gift card or an item is being sent via digital delivery. 
  5. Review your order, then select Place my order.
    • You’ll receive an order confirmation email after you place your order.
    • Orders containing a combination of items sold by Target and a Target Plus™ Partner will be split into two orders. You’ll receive one order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target, and a separate order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target Plus™ Partners.
  1. Select the shopping cart icon to view your Cart, then select I’m ready to check out
  2. Access your Target account or create a new account
    • You'll need to sign in to a Target account in order to proceed with checkout.
  3. Follow the prompts to enter delivery and payment information.
    • Credit card re-entry will be required if a shipping address is updated during checkout, ordering a gift card or an item is being sent via digital delivery. 
  4. Review your order, then select Place my order.
    • You’ll receive an order confirmation email after you place your order.
    • Orders containing a combination of items sold by Target and a Target Plus™ Partner will be split into two orders. You’ll receive one order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target, and a separate order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target Plus™ Partners.

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To ship items to more than one address, you'll need to create a separate order for each shipping address.

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A Target Plus Partner is a third-party company that sells and ships items directly to you through and the Target apps. Target curates these Partners to bring you exciting brands and items you can order online. Target processes payment for items purchased from these Partners, and you can track items purchased from these Partners on your order details page.

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Digital gift messages can be added to shipped orders. Additionally, a printed copy may be included in packages shipped by Target. Items purchased from registries are only eligible for printed messages. Pickup orders and Same  Day Delivery orders aren't eligible for gift messaging. 

For eligible items, add the recipient’s email address and your free gift message at checkout. They’ll receive an email with tracking information when the package is ready to ship. They won’t receive the gift message email until the package has arrived. The message may also be printed on the packing slip.

For gift cards delivered by email, the gift message will be included in the same email as the gift card.

How do I get a gift receipt?

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Orders containing a combination of items sold by Target and a Target Plus™ Partner will be split into two orders. You’ll receive one order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target, and a separate order number and confirmation email for items sold by Target Plus Partners.

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