Do I have to return the free gift or gift card I received with my order if I return the qualifying purchase item?

Do I have to return the free gift or gift card I received with my order if I return the qualifying purchase item?

For most items, you aren't required to return the free gift or gift card with the qualifying item. However, if you return the qualifying item, the amount of the refund will be reduced by the prorated value of the free gift or gift card. The free gift can be returned alone, but you'll only receive the prorated value of the free gift. 

However, if you are getting refunded for the qualifying item in a free gift or gift card promotion, the amount of the refund will be reduced by the prorated value of the free gift or gift card. Similarly, if you are getting refunded for just the free gift, you'll only receive the prorated value of the free gift.
  • Physical Target Promotional GiftCards need to be returned unused to receive the full return value. If the gift card isn’t returned, the return value will be reduced by the amount of the free gift card. 
    • Target Promotional eGiftCards and mobile GiftCards are non-refundable
  • Promotional gift cards must be returned with qualifying Target Mobile purchases to be eligible for a refund.

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